Cal Poly Humboldt

Dec 6th, 2021

Dr. Meenal Rana and Dr. Kishan Lara-Cooper, two of our Child Development faculty, recently published, "Identity, Relationships, and Community as Antidotes for Historic and Race-Based Trauma." This peer-reviewed article was published in...

Dec 22nd, 2020

Dr. Hyun-Kyung You from Humboldt State University's Child Development Department published, “Sociocultural and Family System Perspectives: Families Who Have Children with Disabilities.” This textbook helps readers...

Apr 8th, 2020

Pollyanna Ramos, Head Teacher in the Child Development Laboratory found this article that may be helpful for families trying to support their children though the pandemic. Please read the attached article posted on

Oct 1st, 2018
Vacancy Announcement
The Child Development Department is please to announce we are recruting for a Faculty Tenure-Track Position starting...
Oct 19th, 2016

Attention all Child Development Majors! Please join us Wednesday, August 22nd, 2018 at 3:00pm for the Child Development Orientation in the Goodwin Forum. Pizza will be served! Please call 707-826-3471 with questions.

Oct 19th, 2016

Now accepting applications for the Rural Youth Volunteers in India Program! This is a 10 week-long program where you will have an opportunity to work and learn with multidisciplinary and multicultural teams and rural communities. In...

Oct 19th, 2016

Mandatory Advising begins October 22nd, 2018. A hold will be placed on your account and you will be unable to register for Spring 2019 courses untill you meet with your Academic Advisor. Please contact your advisor to set up an...

Sep 16th, 2016

The Child Development Lab is turning 50! Please join us to celebrate on Friday, April 13th from 5:00-7:00pm in the Great Hall.