Advising is a critical component of your success at Humboldt. All CD majors have faculty advisers. Your advisor is here to help you find resources, make decisions, plan and manage your educational experience and your pursue professional development. Get to know your advisor. Make an appointment or drop by during office hours. We are here to help.
All majors must meet with their advisers at least once every semester during the mandatory advising weeks prior to registration. The primary purpose of these meetings is to choose courses for the next semester, update advising documents and make sure that all steps are being completed to make successful progress to graduation. Your advising registration hold will not be lifted until after you meet with your advisor.
Meet with your advisers at other times during the semester to keep in touch and talk about what you and doing. This is particularly important if you have questions, concerns or are considering a change in academic plans. We are always pleased to see you just to check in and say hi as well. Contact your adviser during office hours or by appointment. If you are a declared Child Development major and you are not sure which faculty member is your adviser, contact us at or 707-826-3471.