The Child Development Laboratory (CDL) is a special environment designed to provide a model preschool for children, create a learning center for university students, support and educate parents of young children and serve as a research and instructional center for the University. We provide a rich variety of experiences and supports for children, inviting them to engage independently, with adults and with classmates.
The CDL serves children from 2 years 9 months to 5 years of age. There are two half-day sessions, 8:50 – 11:30 Monday through Friday and 12:50 – 3:30 Monday through Thursday. Any local family is eligible to enroll their children in either the morning or the afternoon session.
For more information on the Child Development Lab, please visit their website here: http://www2.humboldt.edu/cdblog/child-development-lab/
California License Number 121303248
NAEYC Number 292353